Massage is one of the oldest natural healing therapies dating back nearly 4,000 years. Today, massage therapy combines the ancient art of massage with the modern sciences of anatomy physiology, and exercise physiology.

Massage Therapy is the assessment and planned treatment of the soft tissue and joints of the body. Therapists apply various manipulation and joint mobilization techniques to assist and enhance the body’s efforts to heal as well as relieve pain, increase flexibility and reduce headaches.

The therapeutic use of massage affects all systems of the body, most particularly circulatory (blood and lymph), muscular, endocrine and nervous systems. Massage therapy is also effective for stress relief, enhancing athletic performance, and facilitating health and wellness.


Historical and current research document the diverse physiological effects of massage, many of which are due to the movement of the therapist’s hands over the body, physically stretching the muscles, encouraging circulation, inhibiting muscle spasm and sedating or stimulating the nerves to ease pain or promote function as necessary. Many effects are equally preventative in nature. When muscles are loose and circulation is sufficient, the result is better health and decreased risk of injury. Some other benefits include decreased stress, improved posture, decreased aggression and enhanced body awareness. Some physical and psychological effects are due to the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

What to Expect

RMT’s are trained service providers who use their hands and modalities to mobilize soft tissues and improve circulation and move toxins in your body. RMT’s conduct a clinical assessment to determine imbalances which is followed by deep tissue, relaxation or myofascial release techniques. RMT’s can use techniques ranging from deep to light pressure, hot stones, suction cupping , lymphatic, TMJ, cranial sacral and taping.


30 Minutes

45 minutes

60 minutes

90 minutes