Direct Billing

Here at Elevation Health we offer direct billing to most insurance companies; we can bill most insurers on your behalf directly in clinic to help you save time in submitting your receipts to your insurance provider. The biggest advantage of direct billing is that it will reduce any out-of-pocket expenses or upfront fees related to your treatment. In addition if you opt for telehealth, we can also bill most of the service providers for the online sessions.

There are no charges applicable for direct billing your Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy services provided at Elevation Health; however in order to provide this service we will need your Insurer’s Plan or policy Number and Member ID Number to process this, but please do let us know in advance that it is an insurance claim to help you process the insurance claim efficiently.

Note: we can not guarantee direct invoicing at every appointment unless informed prior to the session due to certain complications with certain Insurers’ benefits plan policies or due to problems with the submission portal.

What insurers can we direct bill to?

Direct Billing – Frequently Asked Questions

Does Elevation health do direct billing?

Yes, Here at Elevation Health, we do direct billing to most of the health insurance providers. We have them all listed above, if you don’t see yours listed get in touch and we can see if it is one we can set up.

How does direct billing work for extended health benefits?

You would be required to provide us with your policy and claim ID number, and we will submit it using the providers web portal. Upon submission, the health insurance provider portal will let us know the coverage amount of your appointment and if there is a balance remaining to be paid by client.

What treatments can you direct bill?

Health insurance providers cover most of the physiotherapy and massage therapy treatments that are provided at Elevation Health. Still, it is always advisable to call your Insurer or us to know your eligibility before the appointment date.

What if you have a WCB Claim (Workers Compenstaion Board)?

When you have an open WCB Claim or Work Injury, It is best to claim treatment expenses through the relevant Insurer. Unfortunately here at Elevation Health we do not have a WCB contract and cannot treat WCB claimed injuries.

Do I need a doctor’s referral?

Although you do not need a Dr’s note to see a Physiotherapist or Massage Therapist, it is always good to see your doctor and have a referral if your insurance policy requires you to have one. It is best to check your Insurer before your scheduled appointment if this is something they require in order to reimburse you.

Can you check what my exact coverage is or how many visits are covered?

We may be able to check your eligibility for that visit and how much you would be required to pay if applicable, but unfortunately, we would not be able to check the complete coverage limit and the number of visits covered. It is best to call your insurance company to get these amounts.

What happens if my extended health carrier partially covers my visit?

If your extended health benefit partially covers your visit, then you would need to pay the balance amount of the total cost of the visit.

What happens if your claim gets denied?

If the health insurance company denies your claim, then you would be required to pay the charges incurred for the visit.

What if I have several insurance plans?

Suppose your spouse also has benefits that will cover you. In that case, some insurers will allow us to direct bill both the primary Insurer for the main portion of the coverage and the remaining portion with the secondary Insurer. Still, most of the insurers will cover only the primary coverage and you will be required to pay the remaining portion that the Primary Insurer did not cover. You will be receiving a receipt for the portion you paid, so you will be able to submit manually or electronically (if your insurance provider has a direct portal).

What happens if the portal is down and we are unable to complete the direct billing process?

Occasionally when there are glitches due to portal issues, where we are unable to direct bill the Insurer, you will be required to pay the amount incurred and claim it yourself if this was to occur.

Do you bill Veteran Affairs Canada?

Eligible veterans with a K number may be preapproved for 20 visits with a Physiotherapist through Veteran Affairs Canada. If you are a Canadian Veteran, please call us and we can determine whether you qualify for physiotherapy coverage through VAC.

For more information, visit the Veteran Affairs Canada website.