How does it work?

Many clients suffer from muscle tightness and spasm after an injury, from degenerative processes or from using compensation strategies. After a thorough assessment and identifying the root cause of the pain or dysfunction a Physiotherapist with their FDN specialized training will advance a small filament needle (acupuncture needle) into a trigger point (contracted area of muscle or knot). The goal of the treatment is to get a twitch response, to allow that muscle to reboot and return to normal resting length.

Who does it work for?

Muscle strains, tension headaches, whiplash, neck and back pain and stiffness, repetitive strain injuries (i.e. tennis elbow, tendonitis, rotator cuff tear, etc.).

Is it only for pain?

A reduction in your pain is just one of the many benefits that result from FDN. Although FDN typically offers instant pain relief, what your therapist is really after is to improve movement and function. Your therapist will then prescribe specific exercises and positions to reinforce your newly found movement and function.

How long do you leave the needles in?

The needles are typically in your tissues for 3-5 seconds, just long enough to get a “twitch response”.

Does it hurt? Is it safe?

The “twitch response” is your muscle contracting from the stimulation of the needle being inserted into the targeted tissue. Most patients describe this sensation as a muscle cramp feeling and not painful. As with any advanced therapeutic technique there are potential risks your therapist will advise you about, the most common being increased local soreness the first 24-48 hours. Many clients experience a dramatic reduction in pain and improvement in function within a couple needling sessions and often with lasting results.