Cryotherapy is a term used to encompass the use of cold temperatures within healthcare and rehabilitation processes. Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy or ice treatment, has many uses within physiotherapy and can be very beneficial in helping you to reap the full benefits of your physiotherapy treatments! 

What Does Cryotherapy Entail?

The use of ice and cold in physiotherapy treatments can be administered in a number of ways. Depending on the location of the targeted area as well as the intended goal of the cryotherapy treatment, your physiotherapist will determine the optimal manner of application to help you through your pain and recovery.  

Some cryotherapy methods include: 

  • Ice Packs: A common method of cryotherapy, packs filled with cubed, crushed, or wetted ice are useful for lowering surface temperature during treatment.

  • Immersion: Immersing the affected area in cold water, or ice water, is a very effective method of cryotherapy.

  • Cyrocuff

Effects of Cryotherapy

A physiotherapist may suggest cryotherapy if they believe that cold treatment and its effects would be helpful in your journey to recovery. The use of ice and cold temperatures acts to decrease the temperature of the skin and soft tissues, resulting in decreased blood flow to the affected areas. Decreasing blood flow leads to: 

  • Reduced swelling. In reducing the blood flow to a particular area, this also helps to prevent and manage swelling.

  • Reduced inflammation. In decreasing circulation in the area, inflammation is reduced.

  • Prevention of hypoxic damage. Narrowing of the blood vessels reduces the need for oxygen to the tissues, which acts to prevent hypoxic damage.

Not only does cold treatment help to minimize blood flow and reduce damage to the surrounding areas, it is also a very useful technique in pain management and providing pain relief to injured parts of the body. Cold is extremely useful in the acute phase of common inflammatory conditions such
as bursitis, tenosynovitis, and tendonitis.

We have a Cryocuff available with ankle, knee and shoulder sleeves.